Sunday, January 30, 2011

January is Balls

Three weeks?! That's too long. Not that anyone is hanging on my every word, but any writer worth his/her salt really needs to keep at this thing. If you didn't water your plants for three weeks, they would die. If you didn't have sex with your girlfriend for three weeks, she'd nail the pool boy. These are SERIOUS ISSUES, and also why I don't have plants.

I started this thing cuz there were a lot of movies around, and this being January (for another day anyway), there aren't many around at present. January movies always suck. Always. I don't know why everyone else hasn't picked up on this. If it were a GOOD movie, the studio would release it during March, or June, or if it's a drama, November/December during awards season. I never consciously noticed this until the mid-00's, when studios dumped two Uwe Boll "movies," two Januarys in a row, but it's been going on forever. Remember "Leprechaun?" Sure you don't. 1993. Jennifer Aniston. And a Leprechaun. Total shit (watch it at your next Bad Movie Night). Saw it in January of '93. The tradition continues to this day. (the movie thing. not the me-seeing-them-thing).

I was inspired by a friend of mine to start a second blog; Ironically, she went and deleted all her shit last week. I suspect she'll be back (she deletes her Facebook account every couple of months), but the point is: We're all interested in more than one thing. Said Friend was blogging life, photography, and a bit of modeling (all my friends are hot), I think if I only blogged movies and TV all the time, I'd look like a fat shut-in. And while I HAVE ballooned up to 135 lbs., I'm gonna try other shit on the side.

Eventually. I was gonna see about sports, but the Super Bowl is in a week and then there's nothing interesting on ESPN until March... and then not again until late August. I mean, I dig baseball and all, but... there's 162 games in a season. The first 80 or so I can take or leave.

Also I hit up the Seattle Sci-Fi Short Film Festival this past weekend (#ssff). I don't see enough short films. Neither do you. As yet another friend said, "They are PERFECT for my attention span!"

Back in February with another tirade. No really.


.... February Leprechaun. That's a lot of oddly-placed R's. Or a tongue twister. Or an awful band.


  1. I'm an inspiration to all. At least Facebook's back up. Give it time, give it time.

  2. ...You mentioned a second blog? Is this it or is there another? I cannot seem to locate said web log, sir.

    *Side note: is that the proper usage of the word ironically? If it is I would like a lesson on how to use it.

  3. Hmm. Missed your comment. I thought I had email alerts on, but I never did trust the internet.

    Irony (n). the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: [i]the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.[/i]

    I don't currently have a second blog. The only other thing I geek out on is sports, so I'm not sure the appeal will be there. On the other hand, I'm always telling YOU to write for yourself and not for what anyone else things, though, so... I suck.

  4. Just making sure on the irony part - that's the exact definition I gave Alex on it and now he abuses it even more.

    I thought you'd said in this blog post that you were inspired to create another blog...I guess I was confused. And wait, what? You're a sports person? Hm...I don't know if we can be friends anymore. I must reassess.

    I think I have creative block lately, but I'm working on it. Maybe one day instead of goofy pictures I'll actually write a lengthy essay on the meaning of life. Or whatever. You know.

  5. I thought he's a teacher? Bad teacher, bad.

    The best writing advice I ever got was to write every day; even if it's in a journal or just a sentence or two of an idea you had. Some days I'll have an idea and just save it in the draft folder on my phone. Usually it doesn't result in much more than a Facebook status update, but it's better than losing it forever, I guess?

    Do what makes ya happy. And I promise to keep my sports to myself. :b

  6. He's an art teacher whose first major was space physics...

    I need to get inspired and motivated - you are often quite inspiring, now if I could just get motivated...

  7. Why... thank you, I am quite flattered. :)

    As for motivation, uh... hmm. I'm sure you'll think of something? I dunno WHAT mine is. Boredom is a pretty strong motivator. Also, "I really don't want to clean the cat box" often works quite well, too.
